Sunday Ready Study for
February 16, 2025
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Link to Mass Readings
You can donate the Altar Flowers ($250/arrangement), the Sanctuary Lamp ($50/week) or the bread and wine that will be consecrated at Mass ($50/week) for the intention of a loved one. This is a very beautiful way to remember your family member or friend. Your donation will also be printed in the church bulletin. Contact the rectory for more information.
Saint Agnes is pleased to provide all our parishioners a subscribtion to FORMED. Discover all the best Catholic content in one place; including entertaining movies, enlightening programs, inspiring talks and popular ebooks. For more information on FORMED visit: You can sign up for free, just select sign up as a parishoner and use our zip code (10017) to find St Agnes Church.
Holy Water is available in the church for filling your personal sized holy water bottle. The Holy Water spigot is located to the left of the Saint Michael Statue on the right side of the Church. Empty bottles are available for purchase in the rectory office and bookstore.
The Good Newsroom is a website where the archdiocese publish videos, articles, opinion pieces and photos on a daily basis to tell the story of our faith, our actions, and our good deeds. Visit this website at: